Women Connect


Fall 2013 Women Connect Workshop

More Information to Follow


               Location: Executive Royal Hotel (formerly West Harvest Inn)                    

Regina SK


Here's what some of the women are saying:

"I have attended many workshops--they are all the same, grab your coffee and stale muffin, sit down and get into the program. Women Connect workshops are different--they focus on getting to know others--a full breakfast is served and you actually have time to enjoy it and get to know the women at your table. Wendy listens to women, their issues and concerns of today. She brings in highly qualified speakers who are able to share practical advice which can be applied immediately. There are information tables set up for women in business to leave information for others. I love the fact that Dress for Success is represented at the workshops. This is the most effective workshop I have ever attended--I was able to apply the knowledge I gained immediately and make a positive change in my life. I highly recommend these workshops!!"
-March 2009, Regina participant

"Excellent topic. Relevant to my issues at work." re: Women and Conflict

"Women Connect workshops have helped me a great deal."

"Keep them coming--they are great!"

"I have to say Tuesday morning was great. I have listened to many presenters but nothing like what I experienced Tuesday am by yourself. Your energy and your knowledge on the topic was more than I ever expected." Regina participant on Perfectionism

"Brilliant presentation style and skills. Good vibe, great energy of presenter. Excellent. It was a very relaxed and thoughtful presentation. Thank You!" Regina participant on Perfectionism

"The quality of the workshop is one of the best I have attended" LG - Regina

" For me, the most important aspect of the morning was meeting women from various professional backgrounds. The connections for me were invaluable and life changing." - Susan, Regina

"Excellent topics that pertain to women's issues." - anonymous, Regina

"It was a very informative and relaxing environment. It was time for me, away from the every day rush." - anonymous, Regina 


Past Women Connect Workshops

October 2012 - Four Half Day Workshops - Behavioural Styles, Assertive Communication at Work, Women and Boundaries, Women and Perfectionism with Wendy Turner-Larsen

October 2011 - "Women and Assertiveness" with Wendy Turner-Larsen

October 2010 - "Being A Woman of Vision" with guest speaker, Marie Delorme, Metis entrepreneur and business woman

October 2009 - "Take Charge of Your Emotions & Stress" with best-selling author Julia Ross

March 2009 - "Women & Conflict" with best-selling Canadian author, Dr. June Donaldson

October 2008 - "The Hurried Woman"  Boundaries and Busyness with Wendy Turner-Larsen

May 2008 - "Emotional SMARTS(R) for Women" with best-selling author, Dr. June Donaldson

February, 2008 - "The Perfect Woman"  How PerfectionismRunsOurLives                                       with  Wendy Turner-Larsen

October 2007 - "Emotions and Stress at Work" with Wendy Turner-Larsen















what is women connect

Workshops for women by women. Women Connect has been hosting half day breakfast workshops for the personal and professional development of women since the Fall of 2007. The 'vision' of 'Women Connect' is to provide a format whereby women can share common experiences, interact and learn about professional and personal development topics relevant to their work and life.  It is an opportunity for women from a wide variety of work place situations, business women, stay at home women; women from varied and diverse cultural backgrounds; women from various levels of an organization; and women of varying demographic groups to join together to interact, discuss and network. You get all of this and a delicious, full, hot breakfast!


community support

A portion of the proceeds from 'Women Connect' workshops are donated to local charitable or non-profit organizations dedicated to the support, healing, education or development of women. In addition to the workshops, and the support of a local organization, Women Connect also supports local women in business.  Women Connect is about connecting women with other women and women supporting women. Organizations that have been supported through Women Connect - Dress for Success Regina, Soul's Harbour Rescue Mission, Regina, and Regina Women's Community Centre and 24 hour sexual assault line. Women Connect is a primary supporter of Dress for Success Regina:
