Behavioural Styles - Half Day Session

·         Topic: Behavioural Styles or “Why can’t THEY be more like ME?”

This session addresses the key motivators that helps explain why people aren't like us. Isn’t it frustrating when people and their questionable or sometimes crazy behaviours get in the way of us doing what we want? Well ... life happens ... and this workshop provides insight into those very deep-rooted and personal motivators that result in others (and us) saying what is said and doing what is done!

Make no mistake about it - we all have very core and personal needs that must be met on a continual basis. These needs are driven by many factors: our behavioural style, gender, age group, cultural influences, thinking style, to name just a few! Many times people don’t even know what their core needs are – and this places them at a disadvantage because then they don’t know how to enhance the bright side of their style and more pro-actively manage the “dark side”. Equally important, they don’t know how to appreciate the bright side of others and react when they demonstrate the “dark side” of their behavioural style. This dynamic creates ripe territory for high tension interpersonal situations that directly lead to conflict!

To further complicate matters, when people don’t know how to demonstrate high behavioural flexibility AND high Emotional SMARTS®, and their dark side consumes them (as often happens when people feel overwhelmed and out of control), they can be perceived in any one of four ways - as a “bully”, “loose cannon”, “wimp”, or “anal” - descriptions most people don’t want used on them.

This workshop comes highly rated. Contact Wendy for more information.